Pittsburg High School (PHS)
9th - 12th Grade

The high school program operates through the 21st Century Grant, in cooperation with the Pittsburg Unified School District. STS Academy administers and implements the 21st Century ASSET’s grant for Before and After School Programming at Pittsburg and Black Diamond High Schools. The purpose of the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSET’s) Program is to support community learning centers for students in grades nine through twelve with academic enrichment opportunities and activities designed to complement students’ regular academic program. Toward that end, STS Academy offers academic support services like homework completion, tutoring and mentoring. We also have a special tutoring program with student athletes in special study halls. Classes are offered in Cosmetology, construction, gardening, computer gaming, How to Start a Business, Folkloric dance, readiness program, social/emotional events, leadership and more.